What Sound Does a Peacock Make?

peacock sound

Perhaps there’s none who doesn’t admire the unusual and exquisite feathers of peacocks, which include elaborate patterns, vivid colours, and glistening feathers. But an equally intriguing subject is the variety of sounds they produce.

Peacocks have become exceptionally adept at surviving in the wild by using a variety of loud call to signal risks and keeping a sharp awareness of their environment.

They screech intensely low-pitched sounds as a sign of aggression when they sensed danger while their mating calls include feather rustling sounds called train rattle and leg shuffling.

The “train-rattle” call is a succession of quiet clicking noises that reverberate across the surrounding woodland. The specific noises might be whistles, coos, hisses, or chirps, based on the particular peacock. 

The sounds that a peacock makes serve as a constant tactile reminder of this beloved species’ amazing capacity for adaptation and resilience, whether you are viewing them from a distance or listening to them vocalise up close.

We’ll look at the distinct types of the sound that a peacock produces and the significance of their behaviour in this article.

What Is A Peacock Sound Called?

Most common sound that a peacok make is caqlled honking, accompanied by occasional expressive screams.

Peacocks produce a variety of distinct sounds, each with its own unique name. The most recognizable sound is their loud, distinctive cry known as “peacocking.”

Peacocks also make a variety of lower-pitched chirping noises called “keek-ing” and “keek-ening.” When they are alarmed or startled, they will often let out a loud screech that can travel up to a mile away.

Peacocks are often associated with royalty and confidence due to their vibrant colors and proud posture.

They strut around like they own the place, which is why their brand voice should reflect an air of authority, dignity, and sophistication.

Fun Fact:
The Male Indian Peacock is known for its distinctive and loud calls, which can be heard over a wide area of up to 1km! The unique “May-awe” calls of these magnificent birds echo through their surroundings, showcasing the grandeur of nature’s symphony.

Types of Peacock Sounds

Types of Peacock Sounds

The unusual courting call of peacocks—which is like a loud wailing—is arguably what is the most recognizable type of peacock sound.

But they also make a variety of other noises, like barks, growls, and hisses. It’s interesting to note that research has revealed that peacocks employ these various sounds for a variety of functions.

For instance, the loud wailing sound is often used during courting displays, but the hisses are usually produced as a sign of anger.

Peacocks not only speak, but also move their feet and generate a range of mechanical noises, like wing fluttering. These sounds are supposed to aid in letting the flock know where the bird is.

The combination of all these tones results in the peacock’s distinctive vocal range including sounds such as wailing, hissing, growling, barking, rustling of tail feathers, and shuffling feet.

I have used the following table to describe some of the sounds that peacocks make. These are findings from a study of Indian peacocks.

The table includes the commonly heard common peacock noises and sounds with the behaviour attached to them:

CallDescription Other Notes
“Keow”This is the territorial call. Adult males assert their dominance by releasing this call whenever their territory is approached by an intruder.The lack of females in the area tends to cause adult males who exhibit territorial behaviour to rapidly jolt their heads and necks. The nearby males are prompted to reply to the same by this call as well. Additionally, the males use to contest territorial borders with the neighbours and make this sound when moving around their region.
“Ka”This is the most familiar call of peacocks. This call too is used by adult male peacocks.Sometimes the Ka sound would come just after the Keow sound, but it had a repetitive, anxious tone instead. Additionally, the initial note of the girk sound was still attached.
“Hoot-Call”The hoot call is a protracted, husky vocalisation that doesn’t repeat. This cry is only used by male adults when they mate in captivity.Male hoot-dash and hoot-call are frequently heard together.
“Eow”This is a powerful, long-lasting, and constant sound. This specific call, which is only made by male members, has no age restriction. Even a second-year male peacock can make this call.Keow calls often needed vigorous neck pumping. But it isn’t required for this call.
‘‘Eon1’’This call is placed by a male  peacock of initial years.The call is brief and repeating, with emphasis on the final line of the note.
“Eon2”This sound was uncommon and was only made by males.This call places special focus on the note’s opening. Because it is an uncommon sound, it is unknown what age range the birds generating it belong to.
“A”It is a brief, singular sound.Males who are at least two years old placed this call.
Alarm Calls (6 Types)Alarm sounds are made if predators, such as red foxes or stray dogs, are around. They are also made in response to disruptions caused by other animals, including people.Six different alarm call types of this kind have been found, including “Bu,” “pe,” “bu-girk,” “pe-girk,” “Khok,” and “Kokok.”

A recent study focused on the behavioral ecology of the Javan Green Peafowl. During this study, researchers observed approximately seven distinct types of calls made by these magnificent birds.

SoundDescriptionOther Notes
“auwo”This is the most typical sound peacocks make.The auwo sound can be spoken in one of three ways: auwo once, auwo twice, or auwo 3 times.
“kokoko………”This type of call is usually made while the peacock is flying. They produce this when they sense disturbances around.The duration of this call is 20 seconds. Furthermore, this call comes in two different forms. The first modification of the sound they emit as a result is when they become frightened and try to alert others to any disturbance.
“Kroooooooow”Peacocks make this sound when they meet a familiar bird from their group.One can hear this sound often as peacocks repeat it while walking
“Tek, Tek, Tek………” Tek, Tek, Tek…..Kroooooooow. or Tek, Tek, Tek…..Krooooow kokokoFemales make this sound, especially when they suspect danger or coming of intruders.There are various combinations in which these sounds are used. The birds can just use tek, tek, tek or combine it with krowww or koko sounds. Female peacocks use these sounds to communicate and use them as warning signals too.
“eewooooo’ ‘eewwaooo”As this is a mating call, adult males make this one.This is the most likely sound that peacocks produce during mating season.
“ngeeeeeeyooo”Adult male peacock makes this sound. This is a mating call.Males make this sound to attract a mating partner.
“Sheeiiks”This call is privy to the adult female and can be heard during the breeding season.Females make this sound while copulating.

Why Do Peacocks Make Sound?

Peacocks employ the sound they make for a variety of purposes, including announcing their existence, fending off predators, calling a mate, scaring off other peacocks, and more.

They virtually always scream in an effort to attract a partner. This is the reason peacocks immediately scream at female peahens, and often follow it up with a little shuffling motion.

Here are some of the most common reasons for peacocks making sounds:

 To Assert Territoriality

The second peacock is intimidated by the presence of some intruder in its area, it establishes authority over the area by sending a loud cry out in the open. This sound can be produced by both male and female peacocks.

To Attract A Mating Partner

When peacocks are wooing a partner, they also emit a gentler, cooing noise. They communicate their love and interest for the other peacock with this sound.

To Alert The Peacock Group

When peacocks sense that anything is off, they may scream as a warning.

For example, they will shriek loudly to alert the others if they spot a predator or an unknown animal. Their flock is shielded from potential harm by this cry.

To Communicate With Each Other

Peacock cries can be used to signal danger or even mating alarm calls. These cries are crucial to their existence and aid in intergroup communication.

To Ward Off Danger

Lastly, if a peacock senses that a predator is posing a threat to them, they will yell out a warning.

This cry is used to warn nearby peacocks of the danger and aid their escape.

The function of each of these vocalisations in peacock communication is significant.

Do Peacocks Make Noise?

Do Peacocks Make Noise

During the mating season, peacocks make a lot of noise, especially when they scream repeatedly and deeply.

If you are contemplating buying a peacock, keep in mind that your neighbors can complain and ask you to draw them out, yes, that loud calls they make.

The male birds make a loud shrieking noise from March to July, when they are in the breeding season.

With the first ray of sunlight in the dawn, this cacophony will begin, and it will last until dusk.

Besides the fact that they scream, immediately prior to mating with a female peafowl, the male peacocks also produces a peculiar cry.

The Male makes a whooping noise as they sprint in the female’s direction.

The mating calls are so loud that they can annoy a human from a great distance. The breeding season, while a thrilling time of the year, is a tumultuous period of the year for peacock owners.

How Do You Stop A Peacock From Making Noise?

Peacocks may be particularly loud during their mating season, which starts from spring months and lasts till August. So how do you stop a peacock from making all these very loud noise, and stop being a source of nuisance for you, in these months, especially during the night?

You cannot silence your peacock until you put it through surgery. Surgery is the only method to permanently silence your peacock.

Surgery may be extremely risky since it exposes your bird to a number of illnesses that might ultimately cause its death.

However, you can attempt a variety of alternative methods for reducing their loudness if surgery is not something you are interested in.

You will have to make different arrangements for your female peacock’s habitation during the mating season, otherwise you are sure to be deprived of your sleep.

Locate your peacocks in the most remote section of your land and property, away from your core residence and make sure there are no neighbors around the new section, else they would hear the wild peacocks around all night and will complain to you the next morning.

It’s important to mention that peacocks sometimes cry and make wailing sounds as they sense danger and threat, this feeling increases at night due to the dark.

If you can make them feel safe, they probably won’t be that noisy. Make a shelter for your peacock to keep them feeling safe at night, when you’re going to be gone for an extended amount of time, or in exceptionally cold weather, otherwise be ready for a volley of decibel missiles to doom your neighbors.

Remember that the shelter you prepare should be sufficiently roomy for the peacock to stand and move about freely and also, don’t forget to insulate it, so even if they scream inside the shelter, you can be safe.

Final Thoughts

Peacocks have a booming cry that can be audible up to one mile away and is more like a screeching female. Some claim that the sound is similar to a woman performing opera. However, there’s not just one kind of sound produced by these majestic shimmering green and blue birds.

Mainly, three distinct noises are produced by peacocks: a scream, a hiss, and an irate squawk.

The peacock’s mating call is the most fascinating since it begins gradually with small notes that gradually increase in pitch and speed.

Peacocks produce these noises for a variety of reasons such as to communicate, when they sense the danger, to attract a partner for mating.

You can witness a peacock wailing intensely during the breeding season. This time of the year, they are increasingly noisy and can be a source of annoyance for their owners.

In general, humans interpret a peacock’s call as being hostile but as we discuss, it’s not always so.


Donald Bergeson

I have always been fascinated by the skill, strength, and beauty of birds.They help in maintaining a balance of ecological environment. At Best Bird Guide, I share all of my experiences and discoveries that I have got so far and inspire more devoted fans.

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