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The Northern cardinals are marvelous songbirds flaunting crimson red plumage on their head inhabiting generally the east of the Rocky Mountains in Northern America. They have an unusual name and the...
With some luck, you may have been able to spy a cardinal while it is sleeping; however, this is a relatively uncommon occurrence. This has to do with where the cardinals choose to sleep and the fact...
The Northern Cardinal is a delight to not only bird watchers but just about everyone. Their deep red plumage is vibrant and eye-catching. So, how to attract cardinals to your backyard? You can...
Many birders are confused by robins and cardinals due to their similarities in their bright coloring, sounds, and songs. While researching the differences between the two birds, some interesting...
What Do Cardinals Eat? Everything about Cardinals Food Habits
If you’re familiar with these beautiful birds and you want to attract them, you might be wondering “what do cardinals eat?” Cardinals eat a variety of foods, including fruits, insects, and...
A consistent sight throughout the winter and summer months across North America, cardinal birds with their fierce, red plumage and distinct bird song make for a great companion on the occasional hike...