Why Do Parakeets Die Suddenly?

It is an extremely heartbreaking moment when you find your out beloved Parakeet has passed away suddenly. This sudden and unexpected death can leave you with so many questions, with the most pressing one being, “why did it happen?” So, why exactly do Parakeets die suddenly?  

There are multiple reasons as to why Parakeets can die suddenly; these include diseases, accidental poisonings, improper diets, heat exposure, and night fright. Some of these reasons can be dealt with before the Parakeet succumbs to it, while others just need to run their course. 

What diseases can cause sudden death in Parakeets? What are common household items that are toxic to Parakeets? What food is toxic to a Parakeet? And what are some symptoms to look out for that can mean death for your Parakeet? We will go through these and more in this article.

Why Would A Parakeet Die Suddenly?

Unfortunately, there are multiple reasons why a Parakeet may die suddenly; some of these reasons cause a sad and unexpected sudden death in Parakeets, while others do present symptoms. These symptoms can easily go unnoticed by Parakeet owners if they do not know what to look for, which can then cause the illusion of sudden death. 

So, let us go through what can cause sudden death in a Parakeet, as well as the symptoms that you need to look out for in your Parakeet that could indicate that your bird is dying. 

Deadly Bird Diseases

Parakeets can get some deadly diseases, some of which can exhibit some symptoms while others can just cause sudden death to occur. These diseases can appear suddenly, and some of their symptoms can go unnoticed if you do not keep a good eye on your Parakeet’s health.

Some of these diseases include Avian Goiter, Avian Tuberculosis, French Molt, PDD (Proventricular Dilatation Disease), Parrot fever, and many more. It is essential to acquaint yourself with these diseases and their possible symptoms so that you know what to look for and the best way to approach them. 

Accidental Poisoning

If your Parakeet suddenly gets sick or dies, then this could also indicate that there are fumes in your home that could be toxic to your birds and sometimes even toxic to you. These include things like a gas leak, lead, and carbon monoxide. 

But there are some fumes that are caused by everyday household items that may be safe for you, but they are toxic to your Parakeet and can kill them. If you use any of the following products, you need to ensure that your Parakeet is not in the same room. 

The products are incense, aerosol cleaners, plug-in air fresheners, fresh polyurethane, lily flowers, lead paint (usually common in older homes), oil-based paintings. 

You should either keep these away from your Parakeet or discontinue your use of them entirely to ensure that you do not accidentally poison your bird. 

Improper Diets 

Unfortunately, there are some reasons why Parakeets die suddenly that are partly the owners doing. One of these reasons being giving the Parakeet an improper diet and overfeeding them human food. These birds have a delicate digestive system that can be affected negatively by human food, and some human food can be toxic to the Parakeets as well. 

Parakeets should only be fed high-quality seed mix that is specifically designed for them, and they should only be given some small pieces of raw fruits and veggies as a treat every now and then. If you give them too much, then this could cause their blood sugar to spike, which can be deadly down the line. 

There are foods that are toxic to your Parakeet and can cause them to die suddenly if the bird consumes them. These foods include onions, avocado, garlic, chocolate, caffeine, fruit pits, and apple seeds. 

It is important that you research the food product and ensure it is safe to feed your Parakeet before giving it to them.

Heat Exposure

If your Parakeet is exposed to a high temperature, then this heat exposure can kill your Parakeet almost instantly. It is essential that you study the location that you wish to place your bird’s cage before you allocate it there. 

You need to ensure that you place your Parakeets cage in an environment where the temperature from morning to morning is somewhat stable and can allow your Parakeets body temperature to stay constant. 

Overheating is, unfortunately, one of the causes that can kill your Parakeet that most people either do not know about or forget to take into account during cage placement. This means that overheating is a major risk for Parakeets and is one of the most common ways in which they die. 

Remember to never lock your Parakeet in the car during long-distance travel and never put your Parakeet in an open-air environment where rays of sun hit them directly. Never place their cage close to any form of cooking area or heat source like heaters. 

Night Fright

One of the common reasons why Parakeets die suddenly is night fright; this is also common in cockatiels and finches. Night fright happens when there is a sudden disturbance in the bird’s room or environment that then makes the bird go into a frenzy of sorts in their cages. 

So, at night when your Parakeet’s room is dark and quiet, the Parakeet becomes relaxed and calm. During this time in the night, if there is any disturbance in the dark room, this can frighten the Parakeet. The Parakeet’s natural reaction to this disturbance is that they want to get higher or be airborne to protect themselves.

This is not possible when they are in a cage; therefore, the Parakeet thrashes around and hits itself on the cage roof, which then causes injury to the bird. These injuries that the birds sustain during this frenzy can cause instant death of the Parakeet. 

Signs Your Parakeet Might Be Dying

You can look out for signs and symptoms in your Parakeet that can indicate illness or imminent death for your Parakeet. It is extremely important to know these signs and symptoms so you can either make your Parakeet as comfortable as possible or treat the cause before it is too late. 

The most worrying symptoms that you need to watch for are vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, discharge from the eyes, nose, and/or beak, weight loss, loss of appetite, passing undigested seed in their stool, Head tremors, ataxia, fluffed up feathers and depression. 

If your Parakeet show any of these signs, then you need to consult an avian vet immediately to ensure the health of your bird or to help them pass comfortably depending on the disease and its progression in the Parakeet. 


There are several reasons why a Parakeet may die suddenly or what appears to be sudden to the owner. Some of these reasons can be prevented and cared for, while others, unfortunately, just run their course.

You need to ensure that you take your Parakeet to an avian vet for a check-up once a year so that no diseases go unnoticed and you understand your options if something is found. 



Donald Bergeson

I have always been fascinated by the skill, strength, and beauty of birds.They help in maintaining a balance of ecological environment. At Best Bird Guide, I share all of my experiences and discoveries that I have got so far and inspire more devoted fans.

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