How To Attract Finches To Your Yard?

finches sitting on a tree branch

Flinches are most popular backyard birds and people prefer these small beauties to larger bird species like parrots and parakeets because they are among the most popular sorts of pet birds in the world.

They are beautiful, tiny, calm small birds that look breathtakingly divine thanks to their variegated plumes ranging from black, yellow, and orange to purple.

It’s no surprise that bird watchers will be keen to lure these birds into their gardens, but given that flinches are very selective, it could be a worthless effort.

In this article we have provided all the details that can help you know how to attract finches to your backyard:

8 Proven Ways to Attract Finches To Your Backyard

ways to attract finches

When it comes to attracting finches to your yard, there are a few key things to keep in mind.

  • Finches are attracted to yards with plenty of trees and shrubs.
  • They also like yards that have a water source, such as a birdbath or pond.
  • Finches are attracted to seed-bearing plants, so be sure to include some in your landscaping.

By following these tips, you can create a backyard that’s sure to please your feathered friends.

In addition to trees and shrubs, finches also like to nest in areas with thick grasses. If you have a lawn, be sure to leave some areas longer than others to give the finches a place to build their nests. You can also attract finches by planting a variety of native plants in your yard.

Finches are especially fond of sunflowers, thistles, and other plants that produce seeds.

By providing a variety of food sources, you can be sure that the finches in your area will have plenty to eat all season long.

Offer thistle seeds at your feeder

All year long, keep your feeders filled with thistle and black oil sunflower seeds, especially from November through March when many natural food plants turn dormant and don’t produce seeds.

Until the dandelions go to fresh seeds in early May, goldfinches might only eat seeds at the feeders. These birds will intermittently visit feeders throughout the rest of spring and summer, depending on the availability of natural local food sources.

Native thistle plants yield seeds towards the end of July, which finches turn to when they start building their nests. They’ll start bringing their young to your feeders towards the end of August.

Maintain the Bird feeder clean and provide fresh feeds 

If you don’t want flinches to fly overhead, you garden and land at your neighbours instead, then be sure to keep your feeder clean and well maintained.

When it concerns feeders, finches may be a little finicky, especially about the hygiene of the feeding station. They probably won’t stop eating at a dirty or mouldy feeder; they’ll merely move on to find food elsewhere.

In winters and monsoons, moisture is one of the factors that may quickly damage a feeder. Even if a bird wanted to eat, a clogged feeder from precipitation or fog might make it difficult. To prevent this, consider covering the feeder with a weather shield to keep it covered.

Also, when flinches eat from any feeder, you must have noticed that they squander a considerable amount of food on the ground. Grab finch perch, tube feeder, or sock feeders to prevent this. This spilt amount catches moisture and creates rotting around the feeder. So, make sure to clean feeders up after birds have had their snack.

Provide flinches with a secure and attractive habitat for nesting

Providing finches with an excellent habitat to dwell in is another approach to draw them to your garden. It’s ideal if you have a lot of trees and bushes in your garden.

Plant huge trees and bushes of different kinds to provide secure nesting locations in your yard. The crotches of these plants serve as the foundation for the cup-shaped nests that goldfinches build.

Dogwoods or fruit trees are examples of common trees for this. If thistles are tall enough, they can make great homes for finches. Finch species enjoy being up in the air because it protects them from ground-based predators.

Additionally, if you cannot cultivate the natural plant fibres that finches like for creating their nests, hang baskets packed with natural nesting items such as cotton and wool. This may entice them to construct their habitats in your yard.

Select cotton or wool depending upon the weather conditions in your area. Wool is warm even if it becomes wet, but cotton dries swiftly and dries quickly.

Plant seed-bearing and fruit trees

Plant native plants that bear seeds to augment the beauty of your garden and the natural diets of finches. You may plant cattails and cottonwoods to attract finches.

Instead of removing them as pests, let local wild thistle and milkweed plants thrive in your yard.

Their seeds are a favourite food of goldfinches. Flinches appear to wait until thistles and milkweed turn to seed before they lay their eggs later in the year than most other species. Finches prefer these seeds for feeding their young. These plants also produce the natural fibres used by birds for their nests. 

In addition to thistles and sunflowers, these birds also eat the seeds of river birch, white alder, big-leaf maple, Chinese elm, Siberian elm, and western redbud. Goldfinches also enjoy California rose hips.

Alder, cottonwood fluff, oak, sycamores, willow, lesser goldfinch buds, and fruits from elderberry, coffeeberry, and madrone are all consumed by finches.

Place the Bird feeders at appropriate locations

Place a feeder next to bushes or trees to make finches feel at home. Finches won’t eat at your feeder if it lies at the centre of your lawn, susceptible to attacks from predators.

Finches examine the position of the feeder to choose whether it would stop or not. Ensure that you choose a secure location and are out of reach of any cats or dogs you might have.

However, this will bring up another problem: squirrels, who would probably like the seeds for themselves.

You may gradually relocate the feeder away from trees and plants once the finches have become accustomed to it, which will help with any squirrel issues you may or may not have.

Plant vibrant flowers and Add brightly colored ribbons 

Fresh, vibrant blooms are something that I won’t be able to resist. So, if you sincerely want to have flinches as your guests, plant marigolds, daisies, chrysanthemums and other flowering plants.

Many people who cannot put flowers or other plants around the feeders like to hang vibrantly coloured ribbons there instead. These ribbons dance in the breeze and catch the finch’s attention as it flies by.

These ribbons are claimed to help attract lovely finches. Let alone ribbons; anything bright and coloured is said to attract birds’ attention.

You can make choices to include a lot of colours in your garden. For example, choose a bright yellow feeder, or hang colourful hanging objects here and there to make it look blooming and attractive.

Install an artificial water fountain or a birdbath

Another tactic to keep the neighbourhood goldfinches congregating at your property is to provide fresh water. For drinking and bathing, birds require a consistent water source all year round.

A birdbath with fresh water left out can also help to draw finches to your backyard. In the summertime and the winter, water is essential for bird survival. 

A bird bath, tiny pool, looping fountain, shallow dish, or drip hose can all be used to supply water.

If there isn’t a nearby natural water supply, nearby flinches will surely make it a point to visit your yard to have a dip or quench their thirsty mouths. 

Place it amid low-branched trees and bushes so goldfinches can keep a watch out for predators while slowly descending to the water.

Although wild birds get most of the water they require from their diet, they occasionally appreciate a sip of cool, pure water. Additionally, they take great pride in bathing, which keeps their feathers neat. 

How long does it take a finch to find a feeder?

Finche on its feeder

Finches are small songbirds that are found in a variety of habitats. They typically eat insects and seeds, and they use their beaks to crack open seed shells. Finches also visit bird feeders, where they can find a variety of food items. So, how long does it take a finch to find a feeder?

Finches are attracted to areas where there is a lot of activity. They will often perch on branches or fence posts near bird feeders and wait for an opportunity to snag a quick bite. Once they spot a potential food source, they will fly over and land on the feeder.

Depending on the size of the feeder and the number of birds visiting it, it can take a finch a few minutes to find an available spot. Once they have found a spot, they will start eating.

Finches are not particularly picky eaters, so they will typically stay at a feeder as long as there is food available. However, if the feeder is empty or the birds are not getting enough to eat, they will move on in search of another food source. So, in general, it takes a finch a few minutes to find a suitable feeder and start eating.

However, if the feeder is empty or there are no other food options available, the finch may spend more time searching for a meal.

Where do you put a finch feeder?

You can put finch specific feeders in your yard, on your porch, or even in your house. Just make sure that the location is safe for the finches and that there is plenty of food and water available.

What food attracts finches?

Finches are attracted to a variety of foods, including seeds, fruits, and insects.

Some common finch foods include sunflower seeds, thistle seeds, nyjer seed, millet, canary seed, safflower seed, and Niger seed.

Fruits such as grapes, raisins, figs, and berries are also enjoyed by many finch species. Many finches also feed on live food items such as small insects and spiders.


 We hope you are now aware of the things you should practice and those you should avoid if you want to draw gorgeous finches to pay regular visits to your backyard. Flinches require a safe, healthy area to live, their favourite feed for nourishment and a water source; that’s it.

You may attract these lovely birds to your garden quickly and easily if you can provide the right circumstances by considering the suggestions. It is also very important to see that your feeders are clean, the garden is blooming, and there are bursts of colour here and there in your garden. These help ensure that flinches do not overlook your garden in favour of others.

More Tips for Attracting Goldfinches To Your Yard

If you want to attract goldfinches to your yard, consider planting sunflowers. Goldfinches are especially attracted to the seeds of these flowers. You can also try placing a bird feeder in your yard and filling it with nyjer seed, which is a type of seed that goldfinches love.

In addition, keep your yard clean and free of debris as goldfinches are also attracted to areas that are tidy and well-maintained.

Another way to attract goldfinches to your yard is by providing them with a water source. Try placing a small birdbath or fountain in your yard and make sure to keep the water fresh.

Goldfinches love bathing and drinking from moving water sources, so this is a great way to entice them to visit your yard.

If you live in an area where goldfinches are known to migrate, you can also try hanging a gold finch feeders in your yard. These feeders are specifically designed to attract goldfinches and other songbirds.

Fill the feeder with nyjer seed or another type of seed that goldfinches love and wait for the birds to come to you.

With a little patience and effort, you can easily attract goldfinches to your yard and enjoy watching these beautiful songbirds up close.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How long does a finch take to locate a feeder?

If you haven’t been feeding them in your backyard, it might take a day or many months for the local birds to find your new feeder.

You have to be patient in your efforts to attract these choosy visitors. In general, birds use sight to locate food. The time it takes for birds to begin eating should be reduced if you place your feeder where they will see it.

It’s crucial to serve the appropriate feeds and understand your backyard ecosystem to lure flinches into visiting your garden. They might not come to your feeder if you avoid these.

What height is ideal for my finch feeder?

The height at which birds are most at ease and acquainted when searching for their favoured meals is ideal for a particular bird feeder. While different species of birds prefer to eat at various heights, 5 feet or so is the perfect distance for a typical bird feeder from the ground.

The feeder is more likely to draw more species and support a more diverse flock at a convenient height. This also deters some predators from attacking the little birds in your yard by raising the bird feeder five or six feet from the ground. Remember to keep the bird feeder from hanging objects, bushes, and shrubs. 

What type of food attracts finches the best?

The majority of the flinches’ food sources comprise seeds. They are increasingly fond of sunflower seeds and Nyjer (thistle) seeds. Their liking for the seeds is that they are simple to consume with their short beaks and contain a lot of oil. These birds switch to a diet of fruits, berries, greens, and vegetables during the snowy winter.

Finches also prefer dried fruits like raisins, sultanas, and currants. Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, serviceberries, hackberries, cranberries, and various other berries are also among the various berries they eat.

Which trees and flowers do finches like?

You can make your backyard a haven for finches with the appropriate plants. These are the flowers and plants in gardens that goldfinches like.

Finches are drawn to blooming flowers and plants that contain seeds. Goldfinches will consume the seeds from dandelions, grass, and flower heads as granivores.

Additionally, flinches love colours. So, we suggest planting vibrant flowers like asters, cosmos, daisies, marigolds, poppies, and zinnias.

Finches like these plants’ seedheads as food all through their growing seasons. Trees you can plant alder, cottonwood, oak, sycamore, and willow buds, as well as the fruits of elderberry, coffeeberry, and madrone; flinches prefer these for nesting over other trees.

Donald Bergeson

I have always been fascinated by the skill, strength, and beauty of birds.They help in maintaining a balance of ecological environment. At Best Bird Guide, I share all of my experiences and discoveries that I have got so far and inspire more devoted fans.

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