Do Hummingbirds Like Jasmine?

Hummingbirds like jasmine and it’s the ideal flower to draw hummingbirds because of its potent aroma, generous supply of nectar, and eye-catching hues. You may provide these lovely birds a beneficial food supply by growing jasmine.

Hummingbirds can spot bright flowers from a distance because of their keen sense of smell. They are drawn to the source by the sweet scent of jasmine.

Hummingbirds get a lot of their nutrition from nectar, which is abundant in jasmine flowers. They gain energy from the nectar they ingest to travel great distances.

Moreover, hummingbirds are drawn to the jasmine blossoms’ vivid hues. Flowers’ hues and forms act as visual signals that guide birds towards certain food sources.

Further, let’s see why hummingbirds like jasmine:

Why Do Hummingbirds Like Jasmine Plants?

Jasmine plants are a delightful choice for attracting hummingbirds. These beautiful flowers produce nectar that hummingbirds absolutely love. There is a wide variety of jasmine plants available, all of which are irresistible to these graceful birds. By planting jasmine, you can create a charming haven that will entice hummingbirds to visit your garden. 

Jasmines’ vibrant and cheerful blooms bring life and color to any garden, making it an ideal choice for those who want to attract a variety of hummingbird species.

In addition to providing a safe place for hummingbirds to thrive, Jasmine also provides a stunning backdrop for other plants in the garden. 

Here are the reasons why Jasmine attracts a variety of hummingbird species: 


Jasmine is a great plant for gardens because it contains aromatic sweet smell that draw hummingbirds and other spring buzzers to gardens.


Hummingbirds are drawn to jasmine because of its vibrant colors from a distance. Hummingbirds may nest and roost safely amid its lush greenery.


Hummingbirds adore the delicious nectar that jasmine generates, making it an excellent source of nourishment.

Does Jasmine Attract Hummingbirds?

The hummingbirds love jasmine plants since it really shines out among other flowers due to its bright flowers, so that’s probably why jasmine attracts hummingbirds.

Other than that, its leaves and foliage are colorful and alluring, and many of them have sweet, aromatic scents that entice hummingbirds to fly in from a distance.

Although jasmine blooms are frequently white or cream in color, pollinators nonetheless find them to be quite attractive.

Jasmine is a top choice of the hummingbird in part because it is a tropical plant that thrives incredibly well in hot areas and in direct sunlight.

Since hummingbirds like to feed in sunny settings, jasmines suit their choice pretty well.

Is Jasmine Difficult To Grow?

Growing jasmine is fairly simple. The following guidelines will help you grow and maintain your jasmine lush and hummingbird-friendly:

  • Search for a jasmine plant with robust, healthy stems and leaves if you’re purchasing it from a nursery or garden shop.
  • Spring or fall are the best times to grow summer jasmine in your garden, but less hardy kinds should be sheltered or maintained in a greenhouse during the winter.
  • Jasmine should be grown in full light and well-draining soil.
  • Jasmine has to be extensively watered on a regular basis in order to keep the soil wet but not saturated.
  • To maintain jasmine healthy and encourage flowering, fertilise it twice a year in the seasons of spring and summer.
  • Keep an eye out for pests and illness on the plant, and treat it as necessary using horticultural oil or other all-natural remedies.

How Do You Grow Jasmine That Is Attractive to Hummingbirds?

With the appropriate plants, luring hummingbirds to your garden is comparatively simple. These are some pointers for planting jasmine to attract the most hummingbirds:

  • Jasmine should be planted in locations with lots of sunlight. In general, hummingbirds like to feed in bright settings.
  • Plant jasmine on a soil that drains well. The health of the plant can be harmed by badly drained soil, and the quality of the blooms may also suffer.
  • When the flowering period is passed, trim your jasmine plants in the summers. More blossoms and healthy growth will result from doing this, which will draw more hummingbirds.
  • To keep your jasmine plants alive and flourishing, use organic fertilisers. Moreover, fertilisers will work to promote additional flowers, which may attract more hummingbirds.
  • Deadhead faded blossoms to promote the growth of fresh flowers. In addition to helping your plant appear its best, removing wasted blossoms can help it draw in more hummingbirds.

 These simple suggestions can help you maximise the enjoyment of your jasmine flowers and will ensure that your yard receives a constant flow of hummingbirds.

What Are The Different Types of Jasmine?

Jasmine is a sweet-smelling flower that may be found in many different shapes, sizes and colors. Several varieties of jasmine plants provide a variety of lovely blossoms.

Each kind of jasmine stands out from other varieties due to its distinct qualities.

We have mentioned below some of the gardeners’ top picks for attracting hummingbirds to your garden:

Climbing, Summer-Flowering Jasmines

Summer jasmine, also known as common jasmine, real jasmine, or poet’s jasmine, is an extremely fragrant vine plant.

Early summer to early fall are when summer jasmine blossoms are in full bloom. These measure around one inch long and an inch broad. These aromatic flowers of this shrub draw hummingbirds, butterflies, and bees.

Winter Jasmine

The flowers from this plant have the same appearance as those from other types of jasmine. These blossoms have the same vivid yellow color as the jasmine bushes.

In contrast to other types, this one frequently blooms in the fall. This is well after other plants have finished their annual dormancy. In comparison to other types, this plant is often far more tolerant to colder climates.

Chinese Jasmine

The fragrant white star-shaped blooms and lush, glossy foliage of Chinese jasmine make it a well-liked decorative vine.

While it is hard for hummingbirds to notice due to its short height, Chinese jasmine may add a splash of color to an otherwise desolate winter environment or a starkly naked wall or fence since it blooms in winter as well as very early spring.

Which Jasmine Plants Have the Most Attractive Flowers?

Hummingbirds are attracted to the vibrantly colored flowers of jasmine. Here are some varieties of jasmine that bloom massively and you should be planting them to attract them to your yard:

 Pink jasmine

The pink flowers on jasmine vines are true to their name. This does not imply that the blooms on this shrub are a dark or striking shade of pink.

In contrast, the plant’s buds are bright pink in color, and these blossoms are fragile and extremely pale pink. You may grow this vine on bare ground or on wooden structures. 

Asian-star jasmine

The star jasmine only grows in China, India, and Japan. On slender stalks, it bears fragrant white blooms with a star form and deep green elliptical leaves. These flowers attract hummingbirds in bunches. 

Showy jasmine

Showy jasmine yields heaps of fragrant, brilliant yellow blooms in the spring and early summer together with glossy, blue-green foliage. As the season goes on, mature stems develop a beautiful, reddish-brown color.

Which Jasmine Plants Smell the Strongest?

Hummingbirds are drawn to the blooming jasmine plant because of its alluring aroma. Hummingbirds are attracted to the plant and its nectar by its pleasant perfume.

If you are betting on jasmine to lure hummingbirds into your garden, look for these types:

Common jasmine

Common jasmine can intoxicate anyone with its strong flowery smell. Poet’s Jasmine, Real Jasmine, and Summer Jasmine are some of its alternate names.

The common jasmine has several uses and poses no issues. Even in a shaded area, you can put it to bloom and it does well in direct sunlight too.

Arabian jasmine

Arabian jasmine is frequently used in making tea in middle eastern countries because of its aroma. The little, fragrant, white blossoms of this evergreen, vining shrub are divinely scented.

Warmer conditions enable it to bloom all year round.

Cape jasmine

Cape jasmine doesn’t belong to the family as other jasmines mentioned here, that is why it is also known as false jasmine. Its leaves, though being white, differ slightly in appearance and can be solitary or double in structure.

This plant has leaves that are approximately three to four inches long and have a dark green color.

What Other Plants Attract Hummingbirds?

Jasmines are not evergreen, so what about the season in which your vines start shredding? If you want to have hummingbirds keep visiting your garden, you must rely on some other plants to adorn your garden.

Let’s see what can be some other choices to keep your garden blooming for hummingbirds:

  • Bleeding Hearts
  • Butterfly Bushes
  • Trumpet Creepers
  • Bee Balms
  • Cardinal Flowers
  • Zinnias
  • Salvias
  • Lupines
  • Columbines

Just planting hummingbird-friendly flowers alone is not all. As long as these tiny buzzers remain around, you must also take care of your garden to maintain it’s attractiveness.

Make sure your yard has ongoing blooming, like azaleas, columbines, butterfly bushes, and trumpet vines, which add color from early spring through late October. Be vigilant with deadheading to keep the bright blooms coming.

Do hummingbirds like night-blooming jasmine?

Hummingbirds are particularly attracted to the sweet scent and nectar of night-blooming jasmine, making it an important food source for them.

The blossoms are also a valuable source of sustenance for hummingbirds as they provide both nourishment and shelter. In addition, the flowers often serve as a reliable refuge from predators during the night.

The slender tubular and cream-white flowers grow in abundance on gracefully curved stems, and emit a strong, sweet scent, attracting bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds.

Do hummingbirds like Arabian jasmine?

Arabian jasmine seeds itself easily and can spread throughout the garden, which could be a plus or a minus depending on your perspective.

Hummingbirds are attracted to colorful blooms in any season, so having Arabian jasmine in your garden should appeal to them. The flowers’ sweet fragrance is also quite appealing to hummingbirds. But this doesn’t necessarily mean that hummingbirds like Arabian jasmine.

It is important to note that hummingbirds possess a keen sense of smell and are able to detect scents from up to five miles away. So, while they may not actually “like” the scent of Arabian jasmine, it can certainly attract them to your garden.

Final Thoughts

Jasmine is a favourite source of nectar and pollen for hummingbirds. Despite the fact that the aroma and color of these vine plants fluctuate, hummingbirds consistently choose them as their favourites no matter the season.

Therefore, if you want to attract hummingbirds to your garden, it would be a wise idea to cultivate them in your garden together with a selection of other vibrant flowers.

Donald Bergeson

I have always been fascinated by the skill, strength, and beauty of birds.They help in maintaining a balance of ecological environment. At Best Bird Guide, I share all of my experiences and discoveries that I have got so far and inspire more devoted fans.

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