Every parakeet owner wants a happy, healthy parakeet- and this, of course, includes a healthy, nutritious, and colorful diet. So are fresh, brightly colored strawberries parakeet-friendly?
Strawberries are a great, healthy addition to your parakeet’s diet as long as they are fed in moderation- limit these snacks to once or twice a week. Strawberries are hydrating and contain loads of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, providing health benefits to your parakeet.
I was just as curious as you and, therefore, decided to research the suitability of strawberries for parakeets, and I would like to share my findings with you. So, continue reading if you’re interested to know more.
What Do Parakeets Normally Eat?
Parakeets love gorging themselves on insects, tree seeds, greens, wild berries, and even fruit in their natural habitat.
However, as pets, they fully rely on us to supply them with the needed nutrition to thrive and have optimal health.
Most parakeet owners feed seeds or bird pellets or a combination of the two to their parakeets. All seed diets and bird pellets are the safest; however, seeds and pellets aren’t sufficient to provide optimal health.
Nuts, fresh greens and vegetables, and juicy fruit slivers should be added to your parakeet’s diet for extra nutrition.
Can I Feed My Parakeet Strawberries?
Strawberries are a great addition to your parakeet’s diet. However, parakeets should not be fed strawberries exclusively. Only 5% of a pet parakeet’s diet should consist of fruit, so they still need their daily serving of well-rounded bird seeds or pellets.
Strawberries are a fruit where every bit is safe for your parakeet to consume; this includes the green tops and flesh. Fresh fruit, like strawberries, will leave your parakeet feeling happier, healthier, and with beautiful glossy feathers.
Are Strawberries Healthy For Parakeets?
Delicious, juicy strawberries have undeniable health benefits for your parakeet when taken in moderation.
Strawberries are low in calories and have a relatively low glycemic index (how quickly foods raise blood sugar levels). In addition, strawberries also help reduce inflammation, cholesterol, oxidative stress, and blood pressure.
Strawberries are also jampacked with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Strawberries are especially rich in Vitamin C, folate, potassium, manganese, and fiber.
The benefits of these nutrients on your parakeet’s health:
- Vitamin C: A powerful antioxidant that boosts the level of natural antibodies, supports a healthy immune system, aids in healthy skin, and promotes longevity.
- Folate (vitamin B9): It is essential for optimal cell function and normal tissue development.
- Potassium: Potassium is required for glucose and protein metabolism and to regulate blood pressure.
- Manganese: Functions as a co-enzyme that aids in metabolic function.
- Fiber: Feeds friendly gut bacteria. Fiber, therefore, improves digestive health and bowel movement.
- Strawberries contain other minerals, including iron, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, and vitamin E and K.
In addition to all the nutritional benefits of strawberries, they mainly consist of water, keeping your parakeet hydrated, and supporting several other bodily functions.
While there are many nutritional benefits to feeding your parakeet strawberries, they have relatively high fructose (sugar) levels and should therefore be taken in moderation.
Can Strawberries Be Dangerous For Parakeets?
Strawberries are in no way dangerous for parakeets when taken in moderation. However, too many strawberries will harm their digestive systems and may lead to obesity or illness.
In addition, strawberries contain salicylic acid; high doses can be poisonous to your feathery friend.
Pesticides are particularly toxic to birds and can easily make your parakeet sick if ingested. So, it’s advisable to feed parakeets organic strawberries or to ensure that you properly wash the strawberries before feeding them to your bird.
Dried strawberries can be given to parakeets are a tasty treat occasionally. However, dried strawberries contain sulfites (preservatives). Sulfites are toxic and sometimes fatal for parakeets. Therefore, it’s crucial to avoid giving your parakeet dried fruit containing harmful sulfites.
On the downside, strawberries can also cause your parakeet to have loose stools, leaving a mess for you to clean up.
How Many Strawberries Can I Feed My Parakeet?
It’s best to only offer fresh strawberries occasionally as an additional threat to their healthy and balanced diet.
Like mentioned earlier, a parakeet’s diet should consist of 5% of fruit only. So, considering that strawberries are the only fruit, one to two strawberries per week should be safe for your parakeet.
When introducing strawberries, or any other fruit to your parakeet, you should begin by only offering a small amount and then monitor your parakeet’s reaction to the fruit and adjust accordingly.
How To Feed Strawberries To Parakeets?
As with any vegetable or fruit, you should always properly wash strawberries to ensure all the dirt, debris, and pesticides are removed.
Serving strawberries raw is the primary way to feed strawberries to parakeets. They can be provided in slices or whole as the seeds are safe for birds to consume.
In addition, the seeds are a great source of fiber for your parakeet!
Some parakeet owners also mash up the strawberries and spoon-feed their parakeet.
If you are introducing strawberries to your parakeet for the first time, consider cutting the strawberry into small pieces. You can even mix the small strawberry pieces with other fruits or greens.
Note: Parakeets can be scared of the color red, so it’s best to get creative in how you introduce strawberries to your feathery friend.
What Other Fruits Can Parakeets Eat?
There is a wide range of fruits suitable to feed parakeets. Nevertheless, the same rules apply to other fruits regarding sugar levels. So, be sure to limit your parakeet’s fruit intake to 5% of their diet.
Alternative fruits to strawberries include:
- Blueberry
- Raspberry
- Apple
- Pear
- Banana
- Apricot
- Melon
- Plum
- Grapes
Fruit To Avoid Feeding Parakeets
Some citrus fruits contain high natural acid levels, making them dangerous for your parakeet. Instead, limit the number of citrus fruits given to your parakeet.
These fruit types include:
- Clementine
- Mandarin
- Grapefruit
- Lemons
- Lime
- Kumquat
Some fruits are toxic, such as avocado, apple-and-pear seeds, and the pits of cherries, apricots, plums, and peaches. These seeds contain cyanide and should always be removed before feeding your parakeet.
Strawberries are the best insurance policy for your parakeet. They are healthy, low in calories, and rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
Strawberries are indeed safe to feed your parakeet as long as it’s only offered in small quantities – one to two strawberries a week.
It’s reassuring to know that every bit of the strawberry is safe to eat, and you can serve it to your bird in various ways.
Related Questions
Why should I feed my parakeet fresh fruit from my garden? If you feed fresh fruits and veggies to your parakeet from your garden its better for your pet health as they don’t contain any pesticides. Also, the nutrients level is much more greater in home grown veggies and fruits than processed fruits and veggies.